My Sagging Eyelids Are Affecting My Vision: Can You Help?

My Sagging Eyelids Are Affecting My Vision: Can You Help?

It’s natural for your eyelids to sag somewhat over time. However, as your skin loses volume and laxity, it can interfere with your life and your line of sight. Living with any kind of vision impairment can be dangerous, but blepharoplasty is a simple procedure with minimal downtime. The right surgeon can ease your concerns and help you get an idea of what it will be like. 

At Laughlin Plastic Surgery in Annapolis, Maryland, Dr. Daniel Laughlin provides upper and lower eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, to roll back time and give your eyes a new lease on life.  

What causes saggy eyelids 

Generally speaking, people with saggy eyelids have them naturally or develop them with age. Upper eyelids can naturally sag, especially among those with hooded or monolid eyes. For most people, this doesn’t become an issue until later in life, when accumulated fat and lessened skin laxity start to take a toll. 

As your metabolism begins to slow, your body produces fewer supportive proteins like collagen and elastin. This causes the skin to droop, especially in areas that experience sun exposure. Your eyes are one of the first places to manifest signs of aging. Crow’s feet form at the corners of your eyes, and your eyelids begin to crease and sag. 

Sometimes, this excess skin can even spill over the lashes and interfere with your vision, making it difficult to see and irritating the affected eye. In these cases, a blepharoplasty may be medically necessary. Even if your sagging lids don’t affect your vision, you may still want to consider eyelid surgery for cosmetic reasons.  

How blepharoplasty can help

Whether you decide to have eyelid surgery for medical reasons or for purely cosmetic reasons, you should consult an experienced plastic surgeon. This procedure can affect your entire upper face, which means every incision and stitch should be placed with consideration. 

Dr. Laughlin has an intimate knowledge of facial anatomy. During your consultation, he’ll be able to describe and show you what you can expect your finished results to look like as he removes excess skin and tissue and reshapes your lids to look natural and more youthful.  

Don’t worry about scars; he’ll go in through your eyelids' natural creases, perform the necessary adjustments, and seal the incisions using medical adhesive instead of stitches, reducing scarring. 

Recovery is quick, and your results are permanent. If you struggle to see clearly due to sagging eyelids, call 410-205-5629 or visit the contact page for more information.

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