Recovering from a Facelift: What to Expect

Facelifts have become a staple of the plastic surgery world, and your surgeon has likely explained the process in detail. You might know what’s going to happen during surgery, but what will happen once it’s all over? 

Recovery is just as important as the surgery itself, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed thinking about the aftercare. If you’re feeling anxious about your upcoming facelift surgery, here’s what you can expect from the weeks afterward. 

Laughlin Plastic Surgery in Annapolis, Maryland, provides aesthetic treatments and plastic surgery to women of all ages. Contrary to popular belief, the surgeon’s job doesn’t end once the procedure is over. Dr. Laughlin and his team will be there to help with your recovery and aftercare, so you can enjoy the results of your facelift in comfort.

What to expect from recovery 

After your facelift, you will need to be taken care of for a few days. Bed rest is recommended, and you will need to sleep with your head elevated. Drainage tubes will be placed behind one or both of your ears, and bandages will be wrapped around your head and face to provide gentle pressure. This minimizes swelling and bruising, and can ease pain as well. 

You should begin to feel better within a few days of the surgery, though you might not wish to leave the house. Your surgeon will make follow-up appointments to check on your stitches, remove drainage tubes, and change/remove your bandages. 

Will it be painful? 

Some discomfort is normal after any surgery. However, pain should not be severe, and you will be given medications to soothe any inflammation. Swelling, throbbing, and bruising are all normal. All things considered, a facelift is a fairly minor surgery, so these symptoms will pass quickly. 

You can reduce pain after a face-lift by: 

You can take prescribed medications or OTC painkillers that your surgeon recommends. Do not take medications that your doctor has not approved. This includes herbal supplements like St. John’s Wort (which can interfere with anesthesia) or garlic and ginger (which can increase bleeding).

When can I return to work? 

This depends on your level of comfort and how fast you heal. It might take a few months for you to feel completely normal, but you can re-enter the workplace and attend social events as soon as you feel able. This might be once the obvious incisions have healed, or it could be weeks after the procedure when you feel truly ready. 

Every person is different, so it’s impossible to know exactly how your recovery will go. However, having a support network can make the process much easier. Dr. Laughlin and his team will be there for you during your recovery, and can soothe your concerns and answer any questions. 

If you’re considering a facelift or looking for a surgeon to help you through the process, get in touch with Laughlin Plastic Surgery by calling 410-297-0654 or visit our contact page.

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